Sunday, June 03, 2007

Name : "Gek" Tara Svanendri
- Gek is name of called
- Tara is star (name from Guru via Dada Mitra Acharya)
- Svanendri is name of Sarasvati (the Godness of Science)
Birth : May 30th, 2007
17.15 PM
Prima Medika Hospital (Caesareus Surgery by Dr. Illyas Angsar Team)
My Beloved Daughter "Gek Tara Svanendri" was born on May 30th 2007 at 17.15 PM in Prima Medika Hospital Denpasar by Caesareus Surgery (Dr. Illyas Angsar, Sp.OGK teams).

Gek is her called name
Tara is the name from Guru by Dada Mitra (the means is Star)
Svanendri is the other name of Sarasvati (The Godness of Science)

Plus Name of Familly Dewi Suputra.